Barry Ruggiero has been investigating the paranormal for over twelve years. His area of expertise centers around hauntings and spirits with the application of basic physics. Scientific instruments which measure fluctuations in the environment, enables NJPI to document these occurrences. Infrared surveillance systems are utilized along with high end audio equipment to capture any abnormalities for documentation purposes.

Barry has been featured on the Woodbridge, NJ television network hosted by Mayor John McCormick to discuss the history and paranormal events of the township. He was also interviewed by News 12 NJ about the paranormal field highlighting historic landmarks known for activity. The Star Ledger newspaper did a feature article on his investigation on the Hannah Caldwell House where it is believed Mrs. Caldwell's spirit still resides at the site of her murder.

Disclaimer: NJPI will do its due diligence not to attach equipment to any surface to mark or damage any surface or structure. All information including audio and video, will be kept confidential, unless otherwise expressed by the client. At the conclusion of the case, a summation will be given on how to proceed ahead if needed.